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Kesihatan Veterinar

Caj Perkhidmatan Penagkapan Ternakan Berkeliaran & Tuntutan BayaranPekerja Pemusnah Makhluk Persosak ke Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan

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Caj Perkhidmatan Penagkapan Ternakan Berkeliaran & Tuntutan BayaranPekerja Pemusnah Makhluk Persosak ke Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan

  • Unggas

    Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
    Egg Production a. AE,EDS

    b. EDS,ND,IB,Leuco.

    a. Reduction of egg production without any
    other signs.
    b. Production of abnormal eggs.

    External Appearance

    a. ND,IBD,Asper.,Cocci.,Salm.,PD,Coli.,
    Clostridia,Leuco., Histo.
    b. AL,MD,Ascites.
    c. AE,MD,ND,Asper.,Botulism,Salm.,Coli,
    Avitaminosis (B1).
    d. AE,MD,ND,Perosis.

    a. Dull and sleepy.
    b. Abdominal inflation.
    c. Poor carriage.
    d. Disturbance of leg function

    Skin a. FP.
    b. Staph.
    c. MD.

    a. Papule
    b. Edema
    c. Tumors

    Comb and Wattle a. ND,Asper.,Gout.
    b. IBH,Cocci.,Histo.,Leuco.
    c. FP.
    d. AL.
    a. Cyanosis
    b. Discoloration
    c. Black papule
    d. Involution
    Eye a. AE.Salm.,Coli.
    b. FP.
    c. ILT,ND,IC
    a. Enlargement of eyeball and opacity of lens
    b. Pocks in eyelid.
    c. Swelling of eyelid.
    Respiratory Tract a. IC, CRD, Avitaminosis (A).
    b. FP,IC,CRD.
    c. ND,IB,ILT,IC,CRD,Asper.
    a. Lacrimation.
    b. Nasal discharge and swelling of face
    c. Rales.
    d. Gasping
    Faeces a. Cocci.,Haemorrhagic Enteritis.
    b. ND,AL,MD,IB,Salm.,IC,IBD,Leuco.,
    Avian malaria, Asper.
    c. FC.
    a. Blood.
    b. Green faeces.
    c. Mucoid diarrhea.
    Others a. Heatstroke.

    a. Sudden death.

  • Kucing

    Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
    Anemia Anemia

    Pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical
    blood changes as seen in smears-deficiency anemia of various types eg.cats
    fed only on milk develop iron deficiency anemia


    Feline infectious anemia

    Lack of appetite-wasting-anemia-malaise-depression-pallid mucous membranes-
    pallid tongue-enlarged palpable spleen-recovery of Haemobartonella on blood smear


    Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

      Worm infestation Recovery of worm eggs on worm egg examination-recovery of worms on post-mortem examination-anemia-scouring-wasting-failure to thrive or failure to develop
      External parasites Severe external parasitic infestation
      Toxoplasmosis Anemia-dehydration-enlarged liver, spleen-white areas 1-3mm in spleen-respiratory distress-recovery of toxoplasms
      Constipation Evidence of faeces in intestinal tract-depression-failure to thrive-history of predisposing cause such as pelvic injuries, rickets, osteodystrophy

    Common disease of aged cats-urolithiasis or sabulous deposits-increased thirst-decreased appetite-loss of weight-depression-vomiting-changes in urine on testing-pain on palpation of kidney area-uraemic smell in breath-third eyelid across eye-eye dull and glazed-ulcerations in mouth and tongue

    Convulsions (fits), Nervous symptoms

    (Milk fever, puerperal tetany)

    History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated
    pupils-dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved


    Feline Encephalomyelitis

    Ataxia-swaying and circling motions of the head-sometimes paralysis of hindquarters-falling to one side or the other-twisting-demyelination in brain, medulla and spinal cord


    Rare condition-prostration-extensor contraction-tail drawn back over body-opisthotonos-lockjaw-extension of third eyelid over eye

      Poisonings Strychnine poisoning, lead poisoning, dieldrin, D.D.T. poisoning, B.H.C.(or hexachlorobenzene) poisoning, rodent poisons and, in fact, a very great number of poisons which affect the nervous system may all produce convulsions in cats-chemical analysis-suggestive history-characteristic lesions of the particular poison
      Uremia Evidence of nephritis-vomiting-wasting-albumin in urine-general symptoms uremia
      Tapeworm infestation Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shaped segments
    Cough, Breathlessness Feline "Flu"

    Mucous discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucus exudates in respiratory tract-long course


    Feline pneumonia

    Including feline `flu and pneumonia from other causes-see Feline `Flu


    Mycotic Pneumonia (Aspergillosis)

    Similar to feline `flu


    Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

    As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-may be feline 'flu


    Feline Bronchitis

    Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing



    Vomiting-wasting-pain on palpation over gastric area


    Rare condition-wasting-coughing-scouring-tubercular lesions on postmortem

      Pulmonary Edema

    History of funnel web spider bite-cyanosis-death-other history, smoke, irritants, etc.-or evidence of anaphylaxis or sensitization


    Lungworm and Tracheal worm

    Presence of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in the lung or Capillaria aerophila in the trachea-coughing, emaciation-nasal discharge-dyspnoea, anemia, harsh coat


    Respiratory distress-anemia-enlarged liver-consolidated lungs-recovery of toxoplasms

    Jaundice Anemia

    See text-pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical blood changes as seen in smears


    Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

      Toxoplasmosis Rare disease-fever-leucopenia-jaundice-cloudiness of anterior chamber of eye with iritis-granulomatous lesions in intestine and in various positions through the body-isolation of organism
      Toxic Hepatitis Dullness, depression-vomiting-diarrhea alternately with constipation-jaundice-increased thirst sometimes convulsions-histological confirmation liver tissue-history of toxins eaten or bacterial or viral toxic action

    Feline Infectious Anemia

    Pasteurella pseudo-tuberculosis-P.multocida-Salmonella typhimurium-all recorded in Australia to produce jaundice
      Bacterial infections High temperature, severe depression, jaundice

    No temperature, high faecal worm egg count, indigestion and abdominal pain, jaundice

    Nose and eye discharges Feline "Flu"

    Mucus discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucus exudates in respiratory tract-long course

      Feline Pneumonia

    Including feline 'flu and pneumonia from other causes-see Feline 'Flu

      Mycotic Pneumonia-Feline (Aspergillosis)

    Similar to feline 'flu

      Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

    As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-may be feline 'flu

      Feline Bronchitis Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing


    Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

    Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain-bacterial



    See text-pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical blood changes as seen in smears

      Worm infestation

    Recovery of worm eggs on worm egg examination-anemia-scouring-wasting-failure to thrive or failure to develop-hook worms and roundworms


    Scouring-sometimes bloody-depression-failure to develop-occurrence in young cats-common


    Loss of weight-fever-prostration-vomiting-scouring-abdominal tenderness-liver enlargement-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-choroidoretinitis-rare condition


    Rare condition-wasting-coughing-scouring-tubercular lesions on postmortem

      Salmonella infection Rare condition-wasting-temperature-vomiting
      Infectious Feline Enteritis

    Diarrhea from two to four days after first rise of temperature-watery, profuse, dark, sometimes partly-digested blood-shreds of mucous membrane-some cases of panleucopaenia do not produce diarrhea

      Infectious Peritonitis

    Abdominal enlargement-vomiting-jaundice-diarrhoea-anaemia-anorexia-depression-wasting and dehydration. Disease is present in Australia since 1973

      Tapeworm infestation

    Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shapes segments

    Sudden death Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

    Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bile-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-haemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions

      Accidents Fractures-trauma-hemorrhage-history of violent death


    A great array of poisons may cause sudden death with characteristic symptoms and lesions depending upon the poison. See poisoning section

      Snake bite

    Depression-shock-sometimes nervous disturbance-sometimes local swelling and evidence of bite (unusual)-prostration-collapse and death


    Evidence of rifle or gunshot wound which may not always be easily visible if from a pressure air gun-common occurrence in caterwauling cats in town neighborhoods

    Temperature Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

    Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bite-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-hemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions


    Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

    Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain

    Feline "Flu"

    Mucus discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucous exudates in respiratory tract-long course


    Feline pneumonia

    Including feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-by be feline 'flu


    Mycotic Pneumonia-Feline (Aspergillosis)

    Similar to feline 'flu

    Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

    As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-be be feline 'flu
      Feline Bronchitis Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing

    (Milk Fever, Puerperal Tetany)

    History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated pupils-dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved
      Feline Infectious Anemia Lack of appetite-wasting-anemia-malaise-depression-pallid mucous membranes-pallid tongue-enlarged palpable spleen-recovery of Haemobartonella on blood smear

    Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

      Ulcerative stomatitis

    Inflammation of tongue-ulceration of tip and edges-drooling saliva from mouth-vomiting of yellow mucoid material-severe pain-refusal to drink-ulceration on lips, gum and pharynx-congestion of soft palate-painful throat on palpation-response to nicotinic acid


    Rare disease-fever-leucopenia-jaundice-cloudiness of anterior chamber of eye with iritis-granulomatous lesions in intestine and in various positions through the body-isolation of organism


    Salmonella infections

    Rare condition-scouring-wasting-temperature-vomiting

    Rare condition-prostration-extensor contraction-tail drawn back over body-opisthotonus-lockjaw-extension of third eyelid over eye


    Feline Infectious Peritonitis

    In Australia(1973)-swollen abdomen-temperature sometimes-fibrinous peritonitis-death-recovery of virus-vomiting
      Toxoplasmosis Loss of weight-scouring-temperature-vomiting-convulsions-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-chroidoretinitis-rare condition
    Vomits Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

    Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish of fluid but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bile-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-hemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions


    Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

    Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain

      Gastritis Vomiting-wasting-pain on palpation over gastric area

    (Milk Fever, Peurperal Tetany)

    History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated pupils dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved


    Wasting-depression-failure to eat-history of long coat and evidence of hair balls on palpation-vomiting-moving head from side to side

      Tick paralysis

    Flaccid paralysis-presence of engorged tick-vomiting rarer than in dogs-depression-in appetence-paralysis respiratory muscles-death-changed note in "miaow"


    Common disease of aged cats-urolithiasis or sabulous deposits-increased thirst-decreased appetite-loss of weight-depression-vomiting-changes in urine on testing-pain on palpation of kidney area-uraemic smell in breath-third eyelid across eye-eye dull and glazed-ulcerations in mouth and tongue


    Salmonella infection in cats

    Rare condition-scouring-wasting-temperature-vomiting
      Ulcerative Stomatitis

    Temperature-inflammation of tongue-ulcers on tip and edges-drooling of saliva from mouth-vomiting-inappetence-malaise-vomitus is yellow mucus-refusal to eat


    Inflammatory conditions of laryngeal mucosa will cause retching, gulping, vomiting-altered voice


    All irritant poisonings, of which there are many, may cause vomiting-suggestive history-suggestive appearance of vomit-suggestive symptoms


    Rare disease-loss of weight-breathlessness-prostration-vomiting-abdominal tenderness-liver enlargement-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-choroidoretinitis

      Round worm infestation

    Kittens worst affected-diarrhea-emaciation-vomiting-abdominal distension-presence of worm eggs faeces-worms in intestine

      Infectious Peritonitis

    Abdominal enlargement-vomiting-jaundice-diarrhoea-anaemia-anorexia-depression-wasting and dehydration-disease is present in Australia since 1973


    Tapeworm infestation

    Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shaped segments

  • Anjing

    Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
    Abortion Toxoplasmosis

    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, muco purulent
    nasal discharge in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Genital Streptococcal Infection

    Irregular heats, difficult breeding, vaginal discharge, deaths of puppies
    soon after parturition, abortions, temperature

      Hormone Trouble

    Evidence of breeding abnormalities , ovarian troubles and dysfunctions

      Traumatic Injuries Suggestive history
      Canine Brucellosis Abortion , breeding troubles
      Herper Virus Infection

    Puppy mortality, vesicular lesions pock-like in vagina, abortion, infertility troubles, sometimes conjunctivitis with running eyes, balanoposthitis in dogs

    Bloody Urine Leptospirosis

    May be sudden death, temperature variable, sunken eyes, vomiting, pain over loins, foul breath, red slime on teeth, ulcerated tongue and mouth, jaundice, discharge from nose & eyes, bleeding nose and gums, prostration, trembling, death


    Calculi (Bladder/urinary Stones)

    Dog strains to urinate, urine dribbles if at all, stands stiffly with arched back, marked depression, chills, temperature, trembling, weakness, stupor, uremia, death


    Frequent attempts to urinate, passage of small amounts of urine which may cause pain, sometime temperature, dog off food, depressed, coat rough, bladder sensitive on palpation, hemorrhagic urine, blood clots or pus on urine analysis


    Onset usually insidious but may sudden, intermittent vomiting, thirst, prostration, uremia, convulsions, death, wasting, flinching if pressed over loins, rough coat, anxious eyes, intermitted diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, urinous smell, ulcers mouth and tongue, eczema

      Injuries Evidence of fractures
      Snake Bites Red urine
    Cough Distemper

    Dysphasic temperature, eye and nose discharge, sough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed vomiting at times, hard pads & hard nose, latter stages, convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis


    Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Temperature raised, dog depressed, conjunctivitis, mouth inflamed, tonsils swollen, sudden death in acute type, abdominal pain and tenderness over liver, vomiting, diarrhea, cough may be present, cloudiness of cornea in one-third of cases, jaundice


    Tonsillitis, Streptococcal Infections

    Fever, coughing, vomiting frothy material, enlarged lymph glands of head & neck, glands may abscess


    Raised temperature, breathlessness, coughing, mucopurulent discharge from nose and eyes, vomiting


    Ear, Nose,Throat Infections

    Temperature, localized infections, pain & characteristic features


    Obstruction and Foreign Bodies

    A bone, fish bone, wood splinters and so on embedded in the throat


    Coughing, temperature, respiratory distress, common in old, fat dogs, persistent cough


    Systemic form- Variable granulomatous pleurisy, progressive sickness, emaciation, pericarditis, pleurisy, foul smelling pus in pleural cavity
    Tumor Form - Large tumorous masses on extremities, sometime anywhere in body


    Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, occurrence in puppies - 8 to 12 weeks old, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous symptoms, coccidia in smears

      Cardiac Cough

    Old dogs affected, no temperature, ascites, faulty heart beat

      Vitamin A Deficiency Night blindness, coughing, scouring

    Cough, nose and eye discharge, vomiting, wasting, poor appetite, profound illness, death

      Fungal Pneumonia

    Coughing, breathlessness, profound illness, emaciation, diarrhea, ascites, vomiting


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Scouring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice

      Heart Condition Coughing, abnormal pulse, vascular disturbance
      Pneumocystosis Cough, diarrhea, wasting
      Tracheal worm Rasping, persistent cough
    Jaundice Leptospirosis

    May be sudden death, temperature variable, sunken eyes, vomiting, pain over loins, foul breath, red slime on teeth, ulcerated tongue and mouth, jaundice, discharge from nose and eyes, bleeding nose and gums, prostration, trembling, death

      Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Temperature raised, dog depressed, conjunctivitis, mouth inflamed, tonsils swollen, sudden death in acute type, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea

      Phosphorus Poisoning Digestive disorders and wasting, garlic smell
      Chloroform Poisoning Digestive disorders, no temperature, jaundice
      Arsenic Poisoning Jaundice, scouring, wasting, digestive disorders
      Streptococcal Infections High temperature, severe depression, jaundice
      Obstruction of Bile Ducts No temperature, high faecal worm egg count, indigestion and abdominal pain, jaundice
      Hemolytic Infections

    High temperature, severe depression, may be associated pneumonia pr enteritis, may be jaundice

      Lead Poisoning

    Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea with bloodstained, listlessness, emaciation, blindness, jaundice


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies, jaundice

      Snake Bite

    Haemoglobinuria, depression, local swelling, paralysis

      Liver Neoplasm

    Emaciation, vomiting, old dog- lump in anterior abdomen

      Canine Babesiosis

    Dog listless, anemic, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever


    Scoring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice


    Jaundice, vomiting, weakness, depression, weight loss, sometime temperature, diarrhea, thirst and abdominal pain

    Nervous Symptoms , Convulsions Distemper

    Dysphasic temperature (105 - 106 F), eye and nose discharge, cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed, vomiting at times, hard pads and hard nose, late stages- convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis


    Convulsions, nervous twitching usually younger dogs, head tilting, systegmies, mania, coma, death


    Occurrence in older dogs- dog may paralyzed, weak in one limb

      Leas Poisoning

    Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, , continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea (bloodstained) listlessness, emaciation, blindness

      Brain Injuries History of accident or injury
      Gammexane Poisoning Nervous twitching, tremors, convulsions
      Strychnine Poisoning Stiffening, convulsive seizures, rigidity, death

    Organic Phosphorus Poisoning

    Scouring, vomiting, tremors, salivation, spasms, jelly like mucoid dysentery, pinpoint pulils, muscle fasciculation

      Milk Fever

    Restlessness, rapid respiration tongue hangs out, staggering, convulsions, head thrown back-legs galloping, bitch frantically excited, yelping, crying out, heart racing madly, temperature up to 108 F, increasing weakness, flaccid paralysis, coma, death

      Metaldehyde Poisoning

    Nervous symptoms, convulsions, tense abdomen, abdominal pains, diarrhea

      Scottie Cramp

    Hopping, somersaulting, resist leading or movement, convulsions

      Fright Disease Running, seeing visions, convulsion seizures
      Teething Troubles

    Occurrence in puppies t teething time- nervous lesions and convulsions

      Worm Infestations Scours, nervous symptoms, convulsions
      Vitamin Deficiencies Faulty ration

    Foreign Bodies in Digestive Tract

    X-Ray evidence- evidence on palpation or post-mortem, vomiting

      Vitamin A Deficiency Scouring, nervous symptoms
      Vitamin B1 Deficiency

    Faulty diet, emaciation, weakness, constipation, paralysis, convulsions, muscle cramps, vomiting


    Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) Deficiency

    Faulty diet, anemia, digestive disorders, nervous symptoms, skin disease, loss of hair

      Snake Bite (Brown snake) Paralysis, coma, death

    Convulsions - precipitated by watching flashing light, television, screen doors


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Ear are bunched, eyeballs retracted into the sockets - third eyelid protrudes, convulsions and goes rigid, neck and tail are stiff, jaw locked tetanic spasm, death


    Hypoglycemia (ketosis, Acetonaemia)

    Uterine inertia, stiff, jerky gait, spasms, convulsions, vomiting, temperature raised- 106 F or more, heart rate very high


    Hypoglycemia from Insulin-Secreting Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumor

    Low blood sugar
      Ear Mange

    Pain, shaking head, scratching, nervous symptoms, even convulsions

      Anal Gland Disorders

    Occurrence in old & fat dogs where faeces are soft

      Canine Babesiosis

    Listless, anemia, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever


    Intermittent vomiting, thirst, prostration, uremia, convulsions, death, wasting, rough coat, anxious eyes, intermittent diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, urinous smell, ulcers mouth and tongue, bloody urine in acute cases

      Nicotinic Acid Deficiency

    Vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, nervous twitching, reddening of the mucous membrane of mouth, ulceration and gangrene (black tongue), foul, smelly diarrhea, sloughing of part of tongue & brownish saliva with nauseating sweet smell


    Pantothenic Acid

    Faulty ration, anemia, convulsions

    Orange red clusters of mites inside the ears, between the paws and even on the body, intense irritation, sores, nervous symptoms


    Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge, eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous lesions


    Granulomas on mucous membrane of nose, pharynx. lung or elsewhere, discharges from sinuses and nasal cavity, lameness, blindness


    Intervertebral Disc Protrusion

    Posterior paralysis, sudden, acute pain, loss of power, sometime staggering pain to complete paralysis, hypersensitivity or resentment when touched or palpated, may refuse to move


    Tongue shaped, striated, violent spasms of sneezing, emaciation, dehydration, weakness, nervous symptoms, excitement


    Presence of heart disease or pulmonary disease, causing poor circulation to the brain, and deficiency of oxygen supply

      Hepatic encephalopathy Abnormal even bizarre behavioral patterns
      Toxicosis Various Diarrhea, salivation, vomiting
      Trauma History of blow to head causing unconsciousness

    A congenital defect, bunny hopping gait, posterior paralysis, hind leg weakness


    Jaundice, wasting, bleeding gums, vomiting, dehydration, coating of teeth and tongue with reddish-brown deposit, convulsions

    Nose & Eye Discharges


    Dysphasic temperature (105 - 106 F), eye and nose discharge, cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed, vomiting at times, hard pads and hard nose, late stages- convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis

      Lead Poisoning

    Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, , continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea (bloodstained) listlessness, emaciation, blindness

      Foreign Body in Eye

    Usually affecting one eye only, profuse discharge, severe conjunctivitis, no temperature

      Foreign Body in Nose

    Snorting, constant discharge, no temperature, may be obstruction of air passage


    Raised temperature, breathlessness, coughing, mucopurulent discharge from nose and eyes, vomiting


    Coughing, temperature, respiratory distress, common in old & fat dogs, persistent cough

      Sinusitis Pain over region of sinus, temperature, depression

    No temperature, swelling about head, profuse discharge nose and eyes


    Hereditary abnormality of eyelids, lashes turned in over eye surface, profuse discharge from eyes


    Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge, eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous lesions


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Cough, nose and eye discharge, vomiting, wasting, poor appetite, profound illness, death

      Tick Paralysis

    Alteration in bark, vomiting, ascending paralysis, weak hind legs, then forelegs and neck, progress to paralysis of respiratory muscles, death, depressed temperature, inability to swallow, mucopurulent eye discharge, dry cornea


    Systemic form- Variable granulomatous pleurisy, progressive sickness, emaciation, pericarditis, pleurisy, foul smelling pus in pleural cavity
    Tumor Form - Large tumorous masses on extremities, sometime anywhere in body

      Cryptococcosis Granulomas on mucous membrane of nose, pharynx. lung or elsewhere, discharges from sinuses and nasal cavity, lameness, blindness

    Scouring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice

      Fungal Pneumonia

    Coughing, breathlessness, profound illness, emaciation, diarrhoea, ascites, vomiting

      Eye Conditions Keratitis, corneal ulcers, chemosis, conjunctivitis, distichias
    Pallor (Anemia) Canine Babesiosis

    Listless, anemia, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever

      Worm Infestation Worm eggs in faeces,

    Hemorrhage (Enternal or External)

    History of damage such as accident or of hemorrhage following on some other lesions of disease such as gastro-enteritis


    History of some traumatic damage, accident or other cause of physiological shock


    faulty diet-deficiency of iron, B12 - evidence from blood examination in laboratory

      Deficiency of Vitamin C

    Unusual condition, faulty diet, swollen gums, petechial hemorrhages in some mucosa, bloody diarrhea, anemia, swollen joint in pups

      Pantothenic Acid
    Faulty ration, anemia, convulsions

    Pyridoxine (Vitamine B6 Deficiency)

    Faulty diet, anemia, digestive disorders, nervous symptoms, skin diseases, loss of hair


    Tropical Canine Pancytopaenia

    Nose bleeding, anemia, oedea of limbs and scrotum, hemorrhages in abdomen, penis, mouth, conjunctivae, impenitence, loss of weight, breathlessness, fever, death


    Eosinophilic Gastro-Enteritis

    Persistent scouring sometimes bloody, emaciation, anemia


Read more: Caj Perkhidmatan Penagkapan Ternakan Berkeliaran & Tuntutan BayaranPekerja Pemusnah Makhluk...

  • Hits: 31508

Rabis (Penyakit Anjing Gila)

Ke Menu Kesihatan Veterinar

Rabis (Penyakit Anjing Gila)

Rabies adalah jangkitan virus akut. Rabies terdapat dalam haiwan di kebanyakan negara di seluruh dunia. Kebanyakan kes jangkitan manusia berlaku di negara-negara membangun.

Agen penyebab:
Virus rabies, sejenis rabdovirus dari genus Lyssavirus

Cara jangkitan:  
Virus rabies terdapat dalam air liur haiwan dan boleh di jangkiti melalui gigitan atau sebarang kejadian yang menembusi kulit seperti jilatan haiwan di tempat luka.

Tempoh pengeraman:
3 hingga 8 minggu, seawal-awalnya 9 hari atau selewat-lewatnya 7 tahun.

Di kawasan yang biasa terdapat jangkitan rabies (kawasan endemik), pelawat berisiko mendapat jangkitan jika berhubung kait dengan haiwan liar atau haiwan peliharaan termasuk anjing dan kucing.

Tanda dan Gejala
Rabies adalah sejenis penyakit akut yang menyebabkan radang (inflamasi) pada otak dan korda spina (ensefalomielitis)

Tanda-tanda awal termasuk rasa bimbang, sakit kepala, demam, lesu dan perubahan deria di sekitar tempat gigitan.

Mudah terangsang, berhalusinasi dan berasa takut pada tiup­an angin (aerophobia).  Sesetengahnya berasa gerun atau bencikan air (hidrofobia) disebabkan kekejangan otot kerongkong yang sakit ketika menelan. Pada peringkat seterusnya, pesakit menjadi celaru, mengalami sawan sehingga boleh membawa maut.

Jenis rabies yang dinamakan paralytic rabies  (sawan lumpuh) mempunyai tanda dan gejala seperti kehilangan deria, lemah badan, badan berasa sakit, dan lumpuh.

Sukar bernafas sehingga menyebabkan kematian.

Rawatan selepas terkena gigitan bertujuan untuk mengelakkan jangkitan rabiesRawat luka dengan segera, basuh luka dengan sabun dan air atau air sahaja. Selepas itu, sapukan etanol (70%) atau tinktur atau larutan iodin akueus atau iodin povidon.

Rawatan khusus
Antirabies Imunoglobulin (RIG) disapukan pada tempat luka dan tisu di sekitarnya.
Beberapa dos vaksin disuntik ke dalam kulit atau ke dalam otot (bergantung kepada jenis vaksin yang  digunakan). Dos pertama mesti diberikan seawal mungkin selepas terkena gigitan dan dos terakhir dalam tempoh 28 hari sekiranya disuntik ke dalam otot atau 90 hari sekiranya disuntik ke dalam kulit.

  • Pencegahan tetanus dan rawatan anti-bakteria (jika diperlukan)
  • Elakkan menjahit atau menutup luka (kecuali jika tidak dapat dielakkan)

Vaksinasi di gunakan untuk mencegah dari dijangkiti rabies 

Disyorkan untuk: 
Semua individu yang berisiko tinggi untuk mendapat jangkitan rabies dan pelawat kawasan endemik yang tidak mempunyai bekalan vaksin rabies.

Jenis vaksin: 
Vaksin moden (sel dikultur atau telur berembrio)

Bilangan dos: 
3 dos,  pada hari: 0, 7 dan 21 hingga 28 hari, disuntik ke dalam otot (1ml/dos) atau kulit (0.1ml/dos).

Dos tambahan : 
Selepas 1 tahun, dan setiap 5 hingga 10 tahun, bergantung kepada risiko pendedahan.

Kontra indikasi: 
Pernah mendapat kesan buruk yang teruk terhadap vaksin rabies.

Kesan sampingan: 
Kesan ringan di tempat suntikan atau seluruh tubuh.

Sebelum berlepas: 
Individu yang merancang untuk menginap lama atau melawat kawasan yang terdapat banyak kes rabies (hiperendemik) di negara-negara endemik disyorkan mendapat pencegahan rabies

Langkah berjaga-jaga
Elakkan memegang haiwan liar dan haiwan peliharaan yang sesat terutamanya anjing dan kucing di kawasan endemik.
Jika seseorang digigit oleh haiwan yang mungkin dijangkiti rabies atau berhubung kait dengan seseorang yang disyaki menghidap rabies, segera bersihkan luka  dengan sabun dan air.
Selain itu, segera dapatkan rawatan doktor.


** Sumber rujukan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia

Read more: Rabis (Penyakit Anjing Gila)

  • Hits: 40782

Protokol Veterinar Malaysia (PVM)

Ke Menu Kesihatan Veterinar

Protokol Veterinar Malaysia (PVM)

1 Penyakit Brucella PVM (141:2008)
2 Penyakit Melitensis PVM 1(5): 1/2010
3 Penyakit Johne's PVM (1 - 1516a:2009)
4 Penyakit Demam Babi (Classical Swine Fever) PVM 5(2): 1/2010
5 Penyakit Tuberkulosis (TB) PVM 2(5): 1/2011
6 Penyakit Demam Q (Q Fever) PVM 1(16):1/2011
7 Penyakit Rabies PVM 1(17): 1/2011
8 Penyakit Selesema Burung (Avian Influenza) PVM 6(9:1/2011)
9 Penyakit Kuku & Mulut (Foot and Mouth Disease [FMD]) PVM 1(9): 1/2011
10 Penyakit Strangles PVM4(14):1/2011
11 Mannheimiosis PVM3(12):1/2011
12 Penyakit Berjangkit Bursa (IBD) PVM6(10):1/2011
13 Japanese Encephalitis (JE) PVM4(6):1/2011
14 Sindrom Reproduksi dan Pernafasan Porsin (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome) PVM5(5):1/2011
15 Penyakit Hawar Berdarah (Haemorrhagic Septicaemia) PVM2(9):1/2011
16 Penyakit Bisul Nodus Limfa (CLA) PVM3(13):1/2011
17 Leptospirosis PVM1(12):1/2011
18 Salmonellosis Unggas PVM6(15):1/2011
19 Penyakit Nipah PVM5(3):1/2011
20 Penyakit Brusela suis Dalam Babi PVM1(6):1/2011
21 Penyakit Sampar Ayam (Newcastle Disease) PVM6(12):1/2011
22 Penyakit Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) PVM3(3):1/2011
23 Jangkitan Parasit Dalam Ruminan PVM2(1):1/2014
24 Penyakit Bluetongue PVM1(3):1/2014
25 Penyakit Pleuropneumonia Berjangkit Bovin PVM2(7):1/2015
26 Avian Infectious Bronchitis PVM6(2):1/2015


Read more: Protokol Veterinar Malaysia (PVM)

  • Hits: 37824

Pemeriksaan dan Akreditasi Veterinar (VHM)

Ke Menu Kesihatan Veterinar

Pemeriksaan dan Akreditasi Veterinar (VHM)

Logo "Veterinary Health Mark" merupakan lambang kualiti vang dianugerahkan kepada loji-loji pemprosesan hasilan ternakan di bawah Program Pemeriksaan dan Akreditasi Veterinar Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar, Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia. Logo juga menandakan bahawa loji-loji berkenaan telah akur sepenuhnya kepada syarat Keperluan Piawaian Minima "Hygiene and Sanitation", "Quality Assurance and Food Safety" yang ditetapkan oleh JPV dan dipastikan melalui proses pemeriksaan loji dengan penekanan kepada "Food Safety and Quality System" serta "Good Manufacturing Practice Programs".

Loji-loji yang telah diakreditasi dan dianugerahkan Logo VHM dibenarkan mencetak logo di label atau pembungkus produk yang didaftarkan sahaja untuk mendapat dan mewujudkan keyakinan pengguna ke atas keselamatan produk dan dijadikan sebagai kaedah penggalak pemasaran. Banyak faedah lain boleh diperolehi di bawah program akreditasi ini. Di peringkat jabatan, permohonan sijil-sijil veterinar (Veterinary Certificates) oleh pengeluar produk hasilan ternakan untuk eksport dapat segera diproses.
Pengeluaran sijil-sijil veterinar yang segera berlandaskan peruntukan "Animal Rules 1962", membolehkan pemproses akur kepada syarat keperluan mandatori yang dikenakan oleh negara pengimport dan merancang program eksport mereka dengan lebih berkesan lagi.

Ciri Penyertaan

Penyertaan dalam program bersifat sukarela dan terbuka kepada semua loji-loji pemprosesan makanan hasilan ternakan. Walaubagaimana pun penyertaan program dimestikan kepada semua lojil-loji pemprosesan makanan hasilan ternakan berorientasikan eksport selaras dengan syarat negara pengimport yang mewajibkan persijilan veterinar oleh Pihak Berkuasa Veterinar di negara pengeluar bagi semua produk.

Prosedur Permohonan

Loji-loji yang berminat untuk menyertai program ini hendaklah memohon dengan menggunakan borang khas yang di sediakan oleh Ibu Pejabat Perkhidmatan Veterinar, Malaysia.

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  • Hits: 40303

Kawalan Lalat

Ke Menu Kesihatan Veterinar

Kawalan Lalat



Hold meetings with agencies involved:- District office, Land office, Health and District Veterinary office with farm management. Warn, emphasize and advise farm management on importance of sanitation and fly control.

Put up a schedule and impose a time limit of 3 months to overcome problem.

Make visits and fly index count taken once every 2 weeks for 3 consecutive months. Reports submitted to agencies involved after each visit.


Take fly index count      

Hold discussions. Discussion should be between Company's Board of Directors and farm manager (not with farm workers) and District Veterinary Officer. Any decisions made should be adhered.


One worker solely held responsible for proper handling & management of poultry waste. He should always be on the alert for unhygienic conditions, waste accumulation, dirty surroundings conducive for breeding of flies etc. in farm at all times.




Identify one worker to be responsible for tasks entailed in stepping up efforts to improve sanitation of farm & surroundings and maintenance eg. having sand/stone roads, grass cut, undergrowth cleared, spilt feed cleaned up, workers' quarters well maintained etc.

Identify worker

Sand/stone roads

Such duties will be considered full time and the said worker given extra monetary gain ranging from RM200-500 a month as an encouragement for his extra vigilance.


He will be given full authority including reporting/informing farm management any workers disobeying his orders. Such workers may face disciplinary action and be dismissed.

    Farm & surroundings

List down all steps/actions taken in fly control and put up a program/work schedule. This will be monitored by farm manager and District Veterinary officer through surprise visits. Each and every step taken have to be documented for examination by Department of Veterinary Services.


Report and inform the farm management directly any actions listed but not carried out. Issue "On the spot" warning and rectification to be done.

Products used - Insecticides, residual sprays, larvicides, feed additives
i. Neporex" and "Pyrillroid 26.3%" sprayed on an alternate basis once every 3 days to kill
ii. "IGR Mectin 10%" sprayed once a week (at night).
iii. "SNACK" as poison feed for adult flies given once a week.
iv. Diesel/petrol spray all moist, damp surfaces (result of water spills/rain) to avoid larvae
Good farm management practices
i. Roads, pathways within farm laid with sand and stones. Wherever
possible whole farm area laid this way to avoid water retention.
Immediate attention given to wet, muddy areas with stagnant
ii. Poison weeds surrounding farm once a month.
iii. Good drainage system surrounding hen house well maintained at all
iv. Repair/deepen/widen drains outside farm.
v. Cleanliness of workers' quarters. Garbage, left-over foodstuffs and
others considered suitable materials attracting flies packed and
disposed of in covered bins.
vi. Not allowed to rear pets like cats and dogs within farm.
vii. Personal hygiene of workers.
viii. Avoid spilling of feed while feeding in hen houses.
ix. Increase workers' awareness as to importance of fly control and
methods used. (motivation course).
x. Collect & tight pack poultry waste in secured tight storage as soon as
chickens are sold and sell ASAP.

Before (problem farm with fly infestation)


After (successful implementation of fly control measures)
Good example: K.L.Supreme, Air Kuning, Batang Padang


Contact locals staying nearby for feedback. Amongst them, complainants, food stall operators, restaurants, school headmasters and others. Ask them to inform District Veterinary Office whenever there is abundance of flies in the area.

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  • Hits: 40915

Doktor Veterinar Swasta

Ke Menu Kesihatan Veterinar

Doktor Veterinar Swasta


City/ Bandar No./ Bil. Name of Private Practitioner/
Nama Doktor Veterinar Swasta
Name & Address of Clinic/
Nama & Alamat Klinik
Tel./Fax No. & E-mail/
No.Tel/Fax & E-mel
Sitiawan 1 Dr Toh Peik Yean Sitiawan Animal Clinic
6 Jalan Haji Mohd Ali
Taman Intan
32000 Sitiawan
Tel.: 05-6920818

2 Dr R.Murugaya Klinik Haiwan Pertama
35 Jalan Lumut
Taman Sentosa
32000 Sitiawan
Tel.: 05-6920302
H/P: 012-5286089
Fax: 05-6919473
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Taiping 1 Dr Fathi Rosary Rajan Taiping Animal Clinic
84 Barrack Road
34000 Taiping
Tel.: 05-8071318
H/P: 012-5005085
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ipoh 1 Dr Dennis Goh Thien Poh Klinik Veterinar & Surgeri Goh
1 Selasar Wah Keong
Off Hala Wah Keong
Taman Wah Keong
31400 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-5454800
H/P: 012-5013880
Fax: 05-5454800
2 Dr Goh Hue Lang Ipoh Garden Animal Clinic
30 Persiaran Ipoh Satu
Ipoh Garden
31400 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-5455933
Fax: 05-5455933
3 Dr InderJeet Kaur Klinik Haiwan
7 Jalan Kledang Raya 18
Off Jalan Silibin, Taman Alkaff
30100 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-5267760
H/P: 012-4544386
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4 Dr Martin Balachandran My Pets Veterinary Clinic & Surgery
382 Jalan Pasir Puteh
31650 Ipoh
5 Dr Manokary
Dr Nanda Kumar
Klinik Haiwan Mano
62 Jalan Ng Weng Hup
Taman Pertama
30100 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-5275317
H/P: 013-5210539
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6 Dr Ranjit Kaur Mendhir JR Veterinary Centre
4 Tingkat Taman Ipoh Enam
ipoh Garden South
31400 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-5470644
H/P: 019-5568292
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7 Dr Cheang Heng Toon
Dr R.Murugayah
Klinik Veterinar Seri Ampang
29 Jalan Seri Ampang 1
Taman Seri Ampang
31350 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-3130191
H/P: 012-5286089
Fax: 05-3131443
8 Dr Cheang Heng Toon Cheang Veterinary Clinic
16 Tingkat Taman Ipoh 6
Ipoh Garden South
31400 Ipoh
Tel.: 05- 5458433
9 Dr Gothainayagi Venugopal 118 Jalan Raja Kam
Canning Garden
31400 Ipoh
H/P: 012-2835550
10 Dr Tee Lit Wen
Tee Veterinary Clinic
62 Hala Pengkalan Timur Satu
Taman Pasir Puteh Selatan
31650 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-3233204
Fax: 05-3233204
11 Dr Gilbert P'ng Seng Chong Ipoh East Veterinary Clinic
66 Laluan Perajurit 1
Taman Ipoh Timur
31400 Ipoh
Tel.: 05-5469927
H/P: 012-5248927
12 Dr Lim Yaw Kok
Dr Ooi Seng Sing
Jayavet Enterprise
99 Persiaran Desa Rishah 1
Desa Rishah
30100 Ipoh
Tel: 05-2810868
H/P: 012-5223688
Fax: 05-2810868
13 Dr Jean Teoh Choong Jean
Dr Ku Chi Ling
12 Lebuh Medan Ipoh
Bandar Baru Medan
31400 Ipoh
Tel: 05-5458281
Fax: 05-5458281
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Please visit for list nationwide.
Sila layari untuk senarai di seluruh negara.

How to choose a veterinarian??
Bagaimana pilih doktor veterinar??

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Diagnosa Perbandingan

Ke Menu Kesihatan Veterinar

Diagnosa Perbandingan

  • Unggas

    Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
    Egg Production a. AE,EDS

    b. EDS,ND,IB,Leuco.

    a. Reduction of egg production without any
    other signs.
    b. Production of abnormal eggs.

    External Appearance

    a. ND,IBD,Asper.,Cocci.,Salm.,PD,Coli.,
    Clostridia,Leuco., Histo.
    b. AL,MD,Ascites.
    c. AE,MD,ND,Asper.,Botulism,Salm.,Coli,
    Avitaminosis (B1).
    d. AE,MD,ND,Perosis.

    a. Dull and sleepy.
    b. Abdominal inflation.
    c. Poor carriage.
    d. Disturbance of leg function

    Skin a. FP.
    b. Staph.
    c. MD.

    a. Papule
    b. Edema
    c. Tumors

    Comb and Wattle a. ND,Asper.,Gout.
    b. IBH,Cocci.,Histo.,Leuco.
    c. FP.
    d. AL.
    a. Cyanosis
    b. Discoloration
    c. Black papule
    d. Involution
    Eye a. AE.Salm.,Coli.
    b. FP.
    c. ILT,ND,IC
    a. Enlargement of eyeball and opacity of lens
    b. Pocks in eyelid.
    c. Swelling of eyelid.
    Respiratory Tract a. IC, CRD, Avitaminosis (A).
    b. FP,IC,CRD.
    c. ND,IB,ILT,IC,CRD,Asper.
    a. Lacrimation.
    b. Nasal discharge and swelling of face
    c. Rales.
    d. Gasping
    Faeces a. Cocci.,Haemorrhagic Enteritis.
    b. ND,AL,MD,IB,Salm.,IC,IBD,Leuco.,
    Avian malaria, Asper.
    c. FC.
    a. Blood.
    b. Green faeces.
    c. Mucoid diarrhea.
    Others a. Heatstroke.

    a. Sudden death.

  • Kucing

    Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
    Anemia Anemia

    Pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical
    blood changes as seen in smears-deficiency anemia of various types eg.cats
    fed only on milk develop iron deficiency anemia


    Feline infectious anemia

    Lack of appetite-wasting-anemia-malaise-depression-pallid mucous membranes-
    pallid tongue-enlarged palpable spleen-recovery of Haemobartonella on blood smear


    Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

      Worm infestation Recovery of worm eggs on worm egg examination-recovery of worms on post-mortem examination-anemia-scouring-wasting-failure to thrive or failure to develop
      External parasites Severe external parasitic infestation
      Toxoplasmosis Anemia-dehydration-enlarged liver, spleen-white areas 1-3mm in spleen-respiratory distress-recovery of toxoplasms
      Constipation Evidence of faeces in intestinal tract-depression-failure to thrive-history of predisposing cause such as pelvic injuries, rickets, osteodystrophy

    Common disease of aged cats-urolithiasis or sabulous deposits-increased thirst-decreased appetite-loss of weight-depression-vomiting-changes in urine on testing-pain on palpation of kidney area-uraemic smell in breath-third eyelid across eye-eye dull and glazed-ulcerations in mouth and tongue

    Convulsions (fits), Nervous symptoms

    (Milk fever, puerperal tetany)

    History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated
    pupils-dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved


    Feline Encephalomyelitis

    Ataxia-swaying and circling motions of the head-sometimes paralysis of hindquarters-falling to one side or the other-twisting-demyelination in brain, medulla and spinal cord


    Rare condition-prostration-extensor contraction-tail drawn back over body-opisthotonos-lockjaw-extension of third eyelid over eye

      Poisonings Strychnine poisoning, lead poisoning, dieldrin, D.D.T. poisoning, B.H.C.(or hexachlorobenzene) poisoning, rodent poisons and, in fact, a very great number of poisons which affect the nervous system may all produce convulsions in cats-chemical analysis-suggestive history-characteristic lesions of the particular poison
      Uremia Evidence of nephritis-vomiting-wasting-albumin in urine-general symptoms uremia
      Tapeworm infestation Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shaped segments
    Cough, Breathlessness Feline "Flu"

    Mucous discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucus exudates in respiratory tract-long course


    Feline pneumonia

    Including feline `flu and pneumonia from other causes-see Feline `Flu


    Mycotic Pneumonia (Aspergillosis)

    Similar to feline `flu


    Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

    As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-may be feline 'flu


    Feline Bronchitis

    Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing



    Vomiting-wasting-pain on palpation over gastric area


    Rare condition-wasting-coughing-scouring-tubercular lesions on postmortem

      Pulmonary Edema

    History of funnel web spider bite-cyanosis-death-other history, smoke, irritants, etc.-or evidence of anaphylaxis or sensitization


    Lungworm and Tracheal worm

    Presence of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in the lung or Capillaria aerophila in the trachea-coughing, emaciation-nasal discharge-dyspnoea, anemia, harsh coat


    Respiratory distress-anemia-enlarged liver-consolidated lungs-recovery of toxoplasms

    Jaundice Anemia

    See text-pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical blood changes as seen in smears


    Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

      Toxoplasmosis Rare disease-fever-leucopenia-jaundice-cloudiness of anterior chamber of eye with iritis-granulomatous lesions in intestine and in various positions through the body-isolation of organism
      Toxic Hepatitis Dullness, depression-vomiting-diarrhea alternately with constipation-jaundice-increased thirst sometimes convulsions-histological confirmation liver tissue-history of toxins eaten or bacterial or viral toxic action

    Feline Infectious Anemia

    Pasteurella pseudo-tuberculosis-P.multocida-Salmonella typhimurium-all recorded in Australia to produce jaundice
      Bacterial infections High temperature, severe depression, jaundice

    No temperature, high faecal worm egg count, indigestion and abdominal pain, jaundice

    Nose and eye discharges Feline "Flu"

    Mucus discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucus exudates in respiratory tract-long course

      Feline Pneumonia

    Including feline 'flu and pneumonia from other causes-see Feline 'Flu

      Mycotic Pneumonia-Feline (Aspergillosis)

    Similar to feline 'flu

      Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

    As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-may be feline 'flu

      Feline Bronchitis Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing


    Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

    Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain-bacterial



    See text-pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical blood changes as seen in smears

      Worm infestation

    Recovery of worm eggs on worm egg examination-anemia-scouring-wasting-failure to thrive or failure to develop-hook worms and roundworms


    Scouring-sometimes bloody-depression-failure to develop-occurrence in young cats-common


    Loss of weight-fever-prostration-vomiting-scouring-abdominal tenderness-liver enlargement-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-choroidoretinitis-rare condition


    Rare condition-wasting-coughing-scouring-tubercular lesions on postmortem

      Salmonella infection Rare condition-wasting-temperature-vomiting
      Infectious Feline Enteritis

    Diarrhea from two to four days after first rise of temperature-watery, profuse, dark, sometimes partly-digested blood-shreds of mucous membrane-some cases of panleucopaenia do not produce diarrhea

      Infectious Peritonitis

    Abdominal enlargement-vomiting-jaundice-diarrhoea-anaemia-anorexia-depression-wasting and dehydration. Disease is present in Australia since 1973

      Tapeworm infestation

    Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shapes segments

    Sudden death Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

    Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bile-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-haemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions

      Accidents Fractures-trauma-hemorrhage-history of violent death


    A great array of poisons may cause sudden death with characteristic symptoms and lesions depending upon the poison. See poisoning section

      Snake bite

    Depression-shock-sometimes nervous disturbance-sometimes local swelling and evidence of bite (unusual)-prostration-collapse and death


    Evidence of rifle or gunshot wound which may not always be easily visible if from a pressure air gun-common occurrence in caterwauling cats in town neighborhoods

    Temperature Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

    Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bite-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-hemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions


    Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

    Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain

    Feline "Flu"

    Mucus discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucous exudates in respiratory tract-long course


    Feline pneumonia

    Including feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-by be feline 'flu


    Mycotic Pneumonia-Feline (Aspergillosis)

    Similar to feline 'flu

    Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

    As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-be be feline 'flu
      Feline Bronchitis Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing

    (Milk Fever, Puerperal Tetany)

    History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated pupils-dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved
      Feline Infectious Anemia Lack of appetite-wasting-anemia-malaise-depression-pallid mucous membranes-pallid tongue-enlarged palpable spleen-recovery of Haemobartonella on blood smear

    Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

      Ulcerative stomatitis

    Inflammation of tongue-ulceration of tip and edges-drooling saliva from mouth-vomiting of yellow mucoid material-severe pain-refusal to drink-ulceration on lips, gum and pharynx-congestion of soft palate-painful throat on palpation-response to nicotinic acid


    Rare disease-fever-leucopenia-jaundice-cloudiness of anterior chamber of eye with iritis-granulomatous lesions in intestine and in various positions through the body-isolation of organism


    Salmonella infections

    Rare condition-scouring-wasting-temperature-vomiting

    Rare condition-prostration-extensor contraction-tail drawn back over body-opisthotonus-lockjaw-extension of third eyelid over eye


    Feline Infectious Peritonitis

    In Australia(1973)-swollen abdomen-temperature sometimes-fibrinous peritonitis-death-recovery of virus-vomiting
      Toxoplasmosis Loss of weight-scouring-temperature-vomiting-convulsions-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-chroidoretinitis-rare condition
    Vomits Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

    Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish of fluid but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bile-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-hemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions


    Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

    Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain

      Gastritis Vomiting-wasting-pain on palpation over gastric area

    (Milk Fever, Peurperal Tetany)

    History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated pupils dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved


    Wasting-depression-failure to eat-history of long coat and evidence of hair balls on palpation-vomiting-moving head from side to side

      Tick paralysis

    Flaccid paralysis-presence of engorged tick-vomiting rarer than in dogs-depression-in appetence-paralysis respiratory muscles-death-changed note in "miaow"


    Common disease of aged cats-urolithiasis or sabulous deposits-increased thirst-decreased appetite-loss of weight-depression-vomiting-changes in urine on testing-pain on palpation of kidney area-uraemic smell in breath-third eyelid across eye-eye dull and glazed-ulcerations in mouth and tongue


    Salmonella infection in cats

    Rare condition-scouring-wasting-temperature-vomiting
      Ulcerative Stomatitis

    Temperature-inflammation of tongue-ulcers on tip and edges-drooling of saliva from mouth-vomiting-inappetence-malaise-vomitus is yellow mucus-refusal to eat


    Inflammatory conditions of laryngeal mucosa will cause retching, gulping, vomiting-altered voice


    All irritant poisonings, of which there are many, may cause vomiting-suggestive history-suggestive appearance of vomit-suggestive symptoms


    Rare disease-loss of weight-breathlessness-prostration-vomiting-abdominal tenderness-liver enlargement-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-choroidoretinitis

      Round worm infestation

    Kittens worst affected-diarrhea-emaciation-vomiting-abdominal distension-presence of worm eggs faeces-worms in intestine

      Infectious Peritonitis

    Abdominal enlargement-vomiting-jaundice-diarrhoea-anaemia-anorexia-depression-wasting and dehydration-disease is present in Australia since 1973


    Tapeworm infestation

    Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shaped segments

  • Anjing

    Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
    Abortion Toxoplasmosis

    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, muco purulent
    nasal discharge in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Genital Streptococcal Infection

    Irregular heats, difficult breeding, vaginal discharge, deaths of puppies
    soon after parturition, abortions, temperature

      Hormone Trouble

    Evidence of breeding abnormalities , ovarian troubles and dysfunctions

      Traumatic Injuries Suggestive history
      Canine Brucellosis Abortion , breeding troubles
      Herper Virus Infection

    Puppy mortality, vesicular lesions pock-like in vagina, abortion, infertility troubles, sometimes conjunctivitis with running eyes, balanoposthitis in dogs

    Bloody Urine Leptospirosis

    May be sudden death, temperature variable, sunken eyes, vomiting, pain over loins, foul breath, red slime on teeth, ulcerated tongue and mouth, jaundice, discharge from nose & eyes, bleeding nose and gums, prostration, trembling, death


    Calculi (Bladder/urinary Stones)

    Dog strains to urinate, urine dribbles if at all, stands stiffly with arched back, marked depression, chills, temperature, trembling, weakness, stupor, uremia, death


    Frequent attempts to urinate, passage of small amounts of urine which may cause pain, sometime temperature, dog off food, depressed, coat rough, bladder sensitive on palpation, hemorrhagic urine, blood clots or pus on urine analysis


    Onset usually insidious but may sudden, intermittent vomiting, thirst, prostration, uremia, convulsions, death, wasting, flinching if pressed over loins, rough coat, anxious eyes, intermitted diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, urinous smell, ulcers mouth and tongue, eczema

      Injuries Evidence of fractures
      Snake Bites Red urine
    Cough Distemper

    Dysphasic temperature, eye and nose discharge, sough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed vomiting at times, hard pads & hard nose, latter stages, convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis


    Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Temperature raised, dog depressed, conjunctivitis, mouth inflamed, tonsils swollen, sudden death in acute type, abdominal pain and tenderness over liver, vomiting, diarrhea, cough may be present, cloudiness of cornea in one-third of cases, jaundice


    Tonsillitis, Streptococcal Infections

    Fever, coughing, vomiting frothy material, enlarged lymph glands of head & neck, glands may abscess


    Raised temperature, breathlessness, coughing, mucopurulent discharge from nose and eyes, vomiting


    Ear, Nose,Throat Infections

    Temperature, localized infections, pain & characteristic features


    Obstruction and Foreign Bodies

    A bone, fish bone, wood splinters and so on embedded in the throat


    Coughing, temperature, respiratory distress, common in old, fat dogs, persistent cough


    Systemic form- Variable granulomatous pleurisy, progressive sickness, emaciation, pericarditis, pleurisy, foul smelling pus in pleural cavity
    Tumor Form - Large tumorous masses on extremities, sometime anywhere in body


    Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, occurrence in puppies - 8 to 12 weeks old, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous symptoms, coccidia in smears

      Cardiac Cough

    Old dogs affected, no temperature, ascites, faulty heart beat

      Vitamin A Deficiency Night blindness, coughing, scouring

    Cough, nose and eye discharge, vomiting, wasting, poor appetite, profound illness, death

      Fungal Pneumonia

    Coughing, breathlessness, profound illness, emaciation, diarrhea, ascites, vomiting


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Scouring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice

      Heart Condition Coughing, abnormal pulse, vascular disturbance
      Pneumocystosis Cough, diarrhea, wasting
      Tracheal worm Rasping, persistent cough
    Jaundice Leptospirosis

    May be sudden death, temperature variable, sunken eyes, vomiting, pain over loins, foul breath, red slime on teeth, ulcerated tongue and mouth, jaundice, discharge from nose and eyes, bleeding nose and gums, prostration, trembling, death

      Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Temperature raised, dog depressed, conjunctivitis, mouth inflamed, tonsils swollen, sudden death in acute type, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea

      Phosphorus Poisoning Digestive disorders and wasting, garlic smell
      Chloroform Poisoning Digestive disorders, no temperature, jaundice
      Arsenic Poisoning Jaundice, scouring, wasting, digestive disorders
      Streptococcal Infections High temperature, severe depression, jaundice
      Obstruction of Bile Ducts No temperature, high faecal worm egg count, indigestion and abdominal pain, jaundice
      Hemolytic Infections

    High temperature, severe depression, may be associated pneumonia pr enteritis, may be jaundice

      Lead Poisoning

    Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea with bloodstained, listlessness, emaciation, blindness, jaundice


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies, jaundice

      Snake Bite

    Haemoglobinuria, depression, local swelling, paralysis

      Liver Neoplasm

    Emaciation, vomiting, old dog- lump in anterior abdomen

      Canine Babesiosis

    Dog listless, anemic, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever


    Scoring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice


    Jaundice, vomiting, weakness, depression, weight loss, sometime temperature, diarrhea, thirst and abdominal pain

    Nervous Symptoms , Convulsions Distemper

    Dysphasic temperature (105 - 106 F), eye and nose discharge, cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed, vomiting at times, hard pads and hard nose, late stages- convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis


    Convulsions, nervous twitching usually younger dogs, head tilting, systegmies, mania, coma, death


    Occurrence in older dogs- dog may paralyzed, weak in one limb

      Leas Poisoning

    Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, , continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea (bloodstained) listlessness, emaciation, blindness

      Brain Injuries History of accident or injury
      Gammexane Poisoning Nervous twitching, tremors, convulsions
      Strychnine Poisoning Stiffening, convulsive seizures, rigidity, death

    Organic Phosphorus Poisoning

    Scouring, vomiting, tremors, salivation, spasms, jelly like mucoid dysentery, pinpoint pulils, muscle fasciculation

      Milk Fever

    Restlessness, rapid respiration tongue hangs out, staggering, convulsions, head thrown back-legs galloping, bitch frantically excited, yelping, crying out, heart racing madly, temperature up to 108 F, increasing weakness, flaccid paralysis, coma, death

      Metaldehyde Poisoning

    Nervous symptoms, convulsions, tense abdomen, abdominal pains, diarrhea

      Scottie Cramp

    Hopping, somersaulting, resist leading or movement, convulsions

      Fright Disease Running, seeing visions, convulsion seizures
      Teething Troubles

    Occurrence in puppies t teething time- nervous lesions and convulsions

      Worm Infestations Scours, nervous symptoms, convulsions
      Vitamin Deficiencies Faulty ration

    Foreign Bodies in Digestive Tract

    X-Ray evidence- evidence on palpation or post-mortem, vomiting

      Vitamin A Deficiency Scouring, nervous symptoms
      Vitamin B1 Deficiency

    Faulty diet, emaciation, weakness, constipation, paralysis, convulsions, muscle cramps, vomiting


    Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) Deficiency

    Faulty diet, anemia, digestive disorders, nervous symptoms, skin disease, loss of hair

      Snake Bite (Brown snake) Paralysis, coma, death

    Convulsions - precipitated by watching flashing light, television, screen doors


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Ear are bunched, eyeballs retracted into the sockets - third eyelid protrudes, convulsions and goes rigid, neck and tail are stiff, jaw locked tetanic spasm, death


    Hypoglycemia (ketosis, Acetonaemia)

    Uterine inertia, stiff, jerky gait, spasms, convulsions, vomiting, temperature raised- 106 F or more, heart rate very high


    Hypoglycemia from Insulin-Secreting Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumor

    Low blood sugar
      Ear Mange

    Pain, shaking head, scratching, nervous symptoms, even convulsions

      Anal Gland Disorders

    Occurrence in old & fat dogs where faeces are soft

      Canine Babesiosis

    Listless, anemia, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever


    Intermittent vomiting, thirst, prostration, uremia, convulsions, death, wasting, rough coat, anxious eyes, intermittent diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, urinous smell, ulcers mouth and tongue, bloody urine in acute cases

      Nicotinic Acid Deficiency

    Vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, nervous twitching, reddening of the mucous membrane of mouth, ulceration and gangrene (black tongue), foul, smelly diarrhea, sloughing of part of tongue & brownish saliva with nauseating sweet smell


    Pantothenic Acid

    Faulty ration, anemia, convulsions

    Orange red clusters of mites inside the ears, between the paws and even on the body, intense irritation, sores, nervous symptoms


    Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge, eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous lesions


    Granulomas on mucous membrane of nose, pharynx. lung or elsewhere, discharges from sinuses and nasal cavity, lameness, blindness


    Intervertebral Disc Protrusion

    Posterior paralysis, sudden, acute pain, loss of power, sometime staggering pain to complete paralysis, hypersensitivity or resentment when touched or palpated, may refuse to move


    Tongue shaped, striated, violent spasms of sneezing, emaciation, dehydration, weakness, nervous symptoms, excitement


    Presence of heart disease or pulmonary disease, causing poor circulation to the brain, and deficiency of oxygen supply

      Hepatic encephalopathy Abnormal even bizarre behavioral patterns
      Toxicosis Various Diarrhea, salivation, vomiting
      Trauma History of blow to head causing unconsciousness

    A congenital defect, bunny hopping gait, posterior paralysis, hind leg weakness


    Jaundice, wasting, bleeding gums, vomiting, dehydration, coating of teeth and tongue with reddish-brown deposit, convulsions

    Nose & Eye Discharges


    Dysphasic temperature (105 - 106 F), eye and nose discharge, cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed, vomiting at times, hard pads and hard nose, late stages- convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis

      Lead Poisoning

    Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, , continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea (bloodstained) listlessness, emaciation, blindness

      Foreign Body in Eye

    Usually affecting one eye only, profuse discharge, severe conjunctivitis, no temperature

      Foreign Body in Nose

    Snorting, constant discharge, no temperature, may be obstruction of air passage


    Raised temperature, breathlessness, coughing, mucopurulent discharge from nose and eyes, vomiting


    Coughing, temperature, respiratory distress, common in old & fat dogs, persistent cough

      Sinusitis Pain over region of sinus, temperature, depression

    No temperature, swelling about head, profuse discharge nose and eyes


    Hereditary abnormality of eyelids, lashes turned in over eye surface, profuse discharge from eyes


    Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge, eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous lesions


    Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


    Cough, nose and eye discharge, vomiting, wasting, poor appetite, profound illness, death

      Tick Paralysis

    Alteration in bark, vomiting, ascending paralysis, weak hind legs, then forelegs and neck, progress to paralysis of respiratory muscles, death, depressed temperature, inability to swallow, mucopurulent eye discharge, dry cornea


    Systemic form- Variable granulomatous pleurisy, progressive sickness, emaciation, pericarditis, pleurisy, foul smelling pus in pleural cavity
    Tumor Form - Large tumorous masses on extremities, sometime anywhere in body

      Cryptococcosis Granulomas on mucous membrane of nose, pharynx. lung or elsewhere, discharges from sinuses and nasal cavity, lameness, blindness

    Scouring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice

      Fungal Pneumonia

    Coughing, breathlessness, profound illness, emaciation, diarrhoea, ascites, vomiting

      Eye Conditions Keratitis, corneal ulcers, chemosis, conjunctivitis, distichias
    Pallor (Anemia) Canine Babesiosis

    Listless, anemia, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever

      Worm Infestation Worm eggs in faeces,

    Hemorrhage (Enternal or External)

    History of damage such as accident or of hemorrhage following on some other lesions of disease such as gastro-enteritis


    History of some traumatic damage, accident or other cause of physiological shock


    faulty diet-deficiency of iron, B12 - evidence from blood examination in laboratory

      Deficiency of Vitamin C

    Unusual condition, faulty diet, swollen gums, petechial hemorrhages in some mucosa, bloody diarrhea, anemia, swollen joint in pups

      Pantothenic Acid
    Faulty ration, anemia, convulsions

    Pyridoxine (Vitamine B6 Deficiency)

    Faulty diet, anemia, digestive disorders, nervous symptoms, skin diseases, loss of hair


    Tropical Canine Pancytopaenia

    Nose bleeding, anemia, oedea of limbs and scrotum, hemorrhages in abdomen, penis, mouth, conjunctivae, impenitence, loss of weight, breathlessness, fever, death


    Eosinophilic Gastro-Enteritis

    Persistent scouring sometimes bloody, emaciation, anemia


Read more: Diagnosa Perbandingan

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  • Apa itu Selsema Burung

    Apa itu selesema burung ?

    Selesema burung ialah penyakit berjangkit yang boleh menjejaskan kesihatan dan menyebabkan kematian terutama kepada burung-burung domestik seperti ayam, angsa, itik dan ayam belanda

    What is bird flu?

    Bird flu or avian influenza is a highly contagious disease which can cause sickness and death especially in domesticated birds like chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys.

    Apakah yang menyebabkan penyakit ini?

    Selesema burung disebabkan oleh virus avian influenza (AI) yang biasanya boleh berjangkit kepada burung, kadang kala kepada babi dan jarang-jarang kepada kuda, anjing laut, ikan paus, manusia dan juga lain-lain binatang. Terdapat banyak jenis subtypes virus AI, misalnya H5N1.

    What causes it?

    Bird flu is caused by avian influenza (AI) virus which normally only infects birds, less commonly pigs and rarely horses, seals, whales, humans and other animals. There are many subtypes of AI virus.

    Dari mana datangnya virus ini?

    Virus ini telah wujud lebih dari se abad yang lalu dan wujud secara semulajadi dikalangan burung-burung liar yang selalunya tidak mengalami penyakit kesan dari virus tersebut

    Where did the virus come from?

    The avian influenza virus has been around for over a century and occurs naturally among wild birds which usually do not get sick from it.

    Kenapa ketika ini selesema burung membimbangkan?

    Subtype H5N1 yang mula-mula dikesan pada tahun 1997 tersebar dikalangan burung-burung di seluruh dunia pada masa kini. Semenjak 2003 ianya telah merebak di Negara-negara Asia dan Eropah yang menyebabkan kadar kematian yang tinggi pada ayam itik dan burung liar. Lebih 200 juta ekor ayam itik dan burung liar telah mati atau dibunuh disebabkan oleh virus ini semenjak tahun 1997. Virus H5N1 juga boleh berjangkit kepada manusia dalam keadaan tertentu

    Why is bird flu of concern now?

    The subtype H5N1 currently circulating among birds worldwide was first detected in 1997. Since 2003 has spread among many countries in Asia and Europe causing heavy mortalities in poultry flocks and wild birds. Over 200 million poultry and birds have died or were killed since 1997 due to this virus. The H5N1 virus is also capable of causing disease in humans under certain circumstances.

    Dimanakah H5N1 telah dilaporkan?

    Virus H5N1 telah dilaporkan di beberapa Negara tetapi pada masa ini aktif di China, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkey, Romania dan lain-lain negara.

    Where has H5N1 been reported?

    H5N1 virus has been reported in several countries but currently active in China, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkey, Romania and other countries.

    Adakah penyakit selesema burung di Malaysia?

    Malaysia bebas dari penyakit selesema burung sehingga Ogos 2004 apabila kes pertama dikesan di Kelantan. Penyakit ini telah berjaya di benteras dengan segera dan Malaysia diiktiraf bebas dari penyakit ini pada 5 Januari 2005. Kes terpencil sekali lagi dilaporkan kira-kira satu tahun kemudian di Kuala Lumpur yang sedang dibasmikan.

    Is there bird flu in Malaysia?

    Malaysia has been free from bird flu until August 2004 when cases were detected for the first time, in Kelantan. The disease was promptly eradicated and Malaysia’s disease-free status was reinstated on 5 January 2005. Isolated cases are again reported exactly one year later, in Kuala Lumpur which is being eradicated.


    Apakah tanda-tanda penyakit selesema burung pada unggas?

    · Murung dan kurang selera

    · Batuk, bersin dan lelehan dari hidung

    · Bengkak di kepala, balung, pial dan kaki

    · Balung, pial dan kaki berubah warna kepada ungu

    · Cirit berwarna kehijauan

    · Pengeluaran telur jatuh

    · Dalam kes yang teruk kematian mengejut berlaku dan kadar kematian tinggi

    What are the symptoms of bird flu in birds?

    · Depression and lack of appetite

    · Coughing, sneezing and nasal discharge

    · Swelling of head, comb, wattles and eyelids

    · Purple discoloration of comb, wattles and legs

    · Greenish diarrhea

    · Drop in egg production

    · Sudden death and high mortality in severe cases

    Bagaimana penyakit ini merebak?

    · Burung hijrah

    · Pergerakan unggas yang terjangkit.

    How does the disease spread?

    · Migratory birds

    · Movement of infected birds

    Bagaimana unggas mendapat jangkitan?

    Virus terdapat dalam najis, air liur dan lelehan dari hidung unggas yang terjangkit. Unggas boleh dijangkiti apabila tersentuh dengan benda-benda ini, dengan unggas yang mati, makanan, air, peralatan, kenderaan dan lain-lain benda yang tercemar.

    How do birds get infected?

    Virus is shed in feces, saliva and nasal secretions of infected birds. Birds get infected when they come into contact with these, with dead birds and with contaminated feed and water, equipments, vehicles and other objects.

    Apakah risiko jangkitan berlaku kepada manusia?

    Virus avian influenza biasanya tidak akan menjangkiti manusia tetapi orang boleh terjangkit apabila sentiasa bersentuhan rapat dengan unggas terjangkit dan najisnya. Hanya 140 kes yang dilaporkan pada manusia, kebanyakkannya di Asia Tenggara (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia dan China) dengan 70 kematian, walaupun jangkitan ini tersebar luas pada unggas dan burung liar.

    What is the risk of infection in humans?

    Avian influenza viruses do not usually infect humans but people can contract the disease through close contact with infected poultry and the feces. Only 140 human cases reported, mostly in South East Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia and China) with over 70 deaths, despite widespread outbreaks in poultry and wild birds.

    Siapakah yang berisiko?

    Orang-orang yang bekerja dikalangan burung dan ayam itik, di rumah sembelih dan yang mengendali daging mentah dan baja (najis ayam) menghadapi risiko jangkitan. Langkah-langkah pencegahan ialah:

    · Guna pakaian perlindungan yang lengkap (sarung tangan, gogal, kasut but, topeng, cover-all)

    · Sentiasa membasuh tangan

    · Kendali daging mentah dan produk dengan bersih

    Who are at risk?

    People working with birds and poultry flocks, in slaughter house and those handling raw meat and manure are at risk. Necessary precautions should be taken at all times.

    · Use of protective attire (gloves, goggles, boots, mask, cover-all)

    · Washing hands frequently

    · Hygienic handling of raw meat and products

    Adakah daging ayam selamat untuk dimakan?

    Daging ayam itik dan telur yang dikeluarkan secara komersial di Negara ini adalah selamat untuk dimakan. Kes yang terjadi di Negara kita adalah terhad kepada ayam yang lepas bebas. Malah tidak ada bukti bahawa dengan memakan daging ayam itik dan telur boleh menyebabkan penyakit selesema burung, namun adalah wajar daging dan telur dimasak secukupnya. Produk mentah perlu dikendalikan secara bersih terutama di tempat berlakunya wabak.

    Is chicken meat is safe to eat?

    Poultry meat and eggs produced commercially in the country are safe for consumption as both outbreaks in the country are localized and restricted to free roaming chicken. There is also no evidence that consumption of poultry meat and eggs can cause bird flu, however it is advisable to always cook meat and eggs properly. Hygienic handling of raw products is important in places where outbreaks occur.

    Apakah yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan kita?

    Semenjak akhir tahun 2003, disebabkan ancaman dari burung hijrah dan penyeludupan di sempadan , survelan di Negara kita diperhebatkan untuk mengesan dan membasmi virus secepat mungkin. Kawalan sempadan dan pemeriksaan veterinar di pintu masuk diperkukuhkan.

    What is our government doing?

    Since late 2003, due to threat from migratory birds and smuggling across the borders, surveillance in the country was enhanced to detect and eradicate the virus quickly. Border control and veterinary checks at entry points have been strengthened.

    Apakah yang dilakukan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan (JPH)?

    Selain dari memperketatkan pintu-pintu masuk negara, strategi kawalan penyakit ialah untuk mengesan virus AI dengan cepat dan mengambil tindakan segera untuk membasmi jangkitan dan mencegah wabak. Langkah-langkah yang diambil untuk mengesan virus ialah:

    · Survelan klinikal dan virologikal di ladang-ladang ayam, itik, puyuh dan lain-lain ladang, burung yang diimport, kedai haiwan kesayangan, burung hijrah, zoo, aviary, ayam kampong, ayam sabung, kawasan sempadan, pasar, rumah sembelih dan lain-lain

    · Sampel diambil secara berkala di semua premis ini untuk ujian di makmal

    · Kadar kematian lebih dari 3% wajib dilaporkan ke JPH

    · Larangan import dari Negara yang dijangkiti

    · Siasatan serta merta jika ada laporan kematian pada unggas

    What is Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) doing?

    In addition to tightening the entry points, the strategy is to detect the AI virus quickly once it enters the susceptible bird populations in the country so that immediate actions are taken to eradicate and to stop spread of disease. Steps taken to detect virus:

    · Clinical and virology surveillance in chicken, duck, quail and other farms, imported birds, pet shops, migratory birds, zoo, aviaries, village chicken, fighting cocks, border areas, wet markets, slaughter houses and etc.

    · Samples are taken at regular intervals at all these premises for laboratory testing

    · Compulsory reporting to DVS of mortalities of >3% by farmers and others

    · Prohibition of imports from infected countries

    · Immediate investigation of reports of deaths in birds

    Apakah yang harus dilakukan oleh penternak ayam itik dan lain-lain premis unggas di dalam mencegah jangkitan?

    · Kebersihan dan biosekuriti ladang sangat penting

    · Penggunaan jaring kalis burung di bangsal ayam itik supaya burung liar tidak dapat masuk ke bangsal

    · Beli stok ayam itik dari sumber yang boleh dipercayai

    What should poultry farms and other bird premises do to prevent infection?

    · Cleanliness, hygiene and biosecurity in farms are very important

    · Use of bird-proof nets in poultry houses to keep wild birds away from poultry

    · Buy poultry stocks from reliable sources

    Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan sebagai seorang awam untuk membantu ?

    · Lapor serta merta kepada JPH jika terdapat unggas yang sakit atau mati

    · Jangan melupus sendiri unggas atau ayamitik yang mati

    · Jangan memberi makanan kepada burung-burung liar

    · Jangan impot atau membawa burung, daging ayam itik atau baja tanpa kebenaran dari pihak JPH

    · Jangan membeli atau membawa balik burung haiwan kesayangan ke rumah tanpa pemeriksaan dari doktor veterinar

    · Jika burung haiwan kesayangan anda sakit sila bawa ke doktor veterinar serta merta

    · Jika iannya menunjukkan tanda-tanda penyakit seperti yang disebutkan diatas sila lapor ke JPH

    · Lapor ke JPH jika anda mengetahui berkenaan penyeludupan burung atau daging secara haram

    · Jangan menyertai pertandingan ayam laga atau apa-apa pertandingan burung yang haram

    · Lapor ke JPH jika anda mengetahui berkenaan pertandingan ayam laga

    What can I do as a public to help?

    · Report to DVS immediately about sick or dead poultry or wild birds you come across

    · Do not dispose dead birds or poultry yourself

    · Do not feed stray/wild birds

    · Do not import or transport birds, poultry meat or manure without DVS approval

    · Do not buy or take home pet birds without having them examined by a vet

    · If your pet bird is sick take it to the vet immediately

    · If it shows the symptoms mentioned above report to DVS

    · Report to DVS about illegally imported birds or meat you know of

    · Do not participate in cock fighting or unauthorized bird competitions

    · Report to DVS if you come across cock fighting competitions

  • Bagaimana Anda Boleh Membantu?

  • Risalah



    State : Perak  
    Name of Officer Office Phone No. Mobile Phone No. House Phone No.
    Dr Ahmad Shukri Abdullah 5459122 - 208 013-7726296  
    Dr Yusniza Mohd Yusof 5459122 - 212 019-6295232  
    G.Tambe Raja 5459122 - 226 019-4160675 -
    A. Muniandy 5459122 -229 012-5168373 05-5455767
    Mohamad Noor Zulkifli 5459122 - 233 013-5251097 -
    Samsul bin Mior Hamzah 5459122 - 224 012-4094696 -

    Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), Perak,
    Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah Utara, 31400 Ipoh.
    Tel. 605 5459111/122/133,

    Fax: 605 5482712 (Director);
    605 5461322 (Industry); 605 5461486 (Health) 605 5472561 (Administration & Finance)


    Tel. Hotline HPAI, Putrajaya:
    03-8870 2041
    03-8870 2042

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Influenza A

Ke Menu Kesihatan Veterinar

1. Soalan Lazim


    Baka tertentu anjing tidak boleh diimport ke negara ini manakala terdapat sekatan ke atas import beberapa baka anjing lain. Sila rujuk kepada Senarai Baka Anjing Terlarang / Terhad dan syarat-syarat kelulusan pengimportan Baka Anjing Terhad.


    Haiwan eksotik asal hidupan liar mungkin tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat pemuliharaan hidupan liar di bawah CITES. Sila rujuk kepada Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara untuk maklumat lanjut.


    Import adalah tertakluk kepada peraturan-peraturan mengimport Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Malaysia (DVS). Untuk jenis haiwan dan produk-produk yang tidak disenaraikan, sila tulis kepada kami untuk peraturan-peraturan khusus.


    • Adakah terdapat sekatan ke atas jenis-jenis haiwan yang boleh diimport?
    • Bagaimana saya mengimport haiwan kesayangan ke Malaysia?


    Anjing dan kucing hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya berumur 3 bulan pada masa import.


    Tidak ada sekatan ke atas bilangan haiwan yang boleh diimport oleh seseorang. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak berkuasa tempatan di Malaysia mempunyai peraturan-peraturan yang berkaitan dengan bilangan anjing yang boleh disimpan di dalam premis kediaman.


    Ini tidak perlu (kecuali untuk baka anjing terhad) tetapi adalah dinasihatkan.


    Anda dikehendaki untuk mendapatkan permit import daripada jabatan ini untuk mengimport haiwan kesayangan ke Malaysia. Haiwan yang tiba tanpa permit import tidak boleh dibenarkan masuk oleh pegawai-pegawai kuarantin haiwan di pintu masuk. Untuk mengimport haiwan eksotik atau hidupan liar sebagai haiwan kesayangan, anda mungkin juga perlu mendapatkan kelulusan daripada Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara sebelum memohon permit import daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar.


    - Bagi pengimportan ke Semenanjung Malaysia, permit import hendaklah diperolehi daripada Pengarah Jabatan Veterinar Negeri atau Ketua Pengarah, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar, Malaysia.


    - Bagi pengimportan ke Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak, pertanyaan dan permohonan hendaklah dibuat kepada negeri-negeri berkenaan.


    Anda perlu mengemukakan permohonan bersama-sama dengan satu salinan rekod vaksinasi semasa dan yuran permit import berjumlah lima Ringgit Malaysia (RM 5.00) bagi setiap anjing / kucing. Bayaran ini boleh dibayar secara tunai atau melalui bank draf, kiriman wang atau wang pos, yang dibayar kepada Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Veterinar Malaysia atau Pengarah Negeri yang berkenaan. Pemohon di luar negara boleh mengemukakan permohonan melalui pos atau melalui wakil tempatan (rakan, saudara atau ejen di Malaysia).

    Anda boleh :

    i. Mendapatkan borang permohonan daripada pejabat di atas ATAU
    ii. memuat turun PDF version

      • Adakah terdapat syarat umur minimum untuk pengimportan?
      • Berapa banyak haiwan kesayangan yang boleh saya import?
      • Adakah haiwan kesayangan saya perlu dilengkapi dengan  mikrocip?
      • Adakah saya memerlukan Permit Import?
      • Di mana boleh saya dapatkan permit import?
      • Bagaimana boleh saya dapatkan permit import?


    Permit dikeluarkan dalam masa sehari.


    Permit import adalah sah selama 30 hari dari tarikh dikeluarkan.


    Haiwan kesayangan yang tiba di Malaysia hendaklah disertakan dengan Sijil Kesihatan Veterinar dikeluarkan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Kesihatan Veterinar negara pengeksport yang mematuhi peraturan-peraturan import.


      • Berapakah tempoh untuk mendapatkan permit import?
      • Apakah tempoh sah permit import?


    Import adalah tertakluk kepada peraturan-peraturan mengimport Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Malaysia (DVS).


    Haiwan peliharaan hanya boleh diimport sebagai kargo pengiriman dan hendaklah diisytiharkan kepada Pegawai Kuarantin Haiwan di tempat pendaratan untuk pelepasan masuk.


    Walaupun tidak diwajibkan, tetapi adalah baik untuk memaklumkan kepada Pegawai Kuarantin Haiwan di pintu masuk (lihat senarai pintu masuk) berkenaan dengan maklumat anggaran waktu ketibaan dan maklumat penerbangan untuk pelepasan masuk lebih cepat.


    Haiwan peliharaan mungkin  tidak dibenarkan masuk atau tertakluk kepada apa-apa tindakan yang difikirkan sesuai oleh Pegawai Kuarantin Haiwan.


    Untuk kelulusan kemasukan, haiwan peliharaan mesti mendarat hanya di pintu masuk yang dinyatakan dalam permit import. Haiwan peliharaan yang memerlukan kuarantin hanya boleh mendarat di KLIA, Pulau Pinang atau Padang Besar di mana kemudahan kuarantin disediakan.


     Haiwan peliharaan adalah diperlukan untuk mendarat dan diluluskan masuk di pintu masuk yang dinyatakan dalam permit import. Transit haiwan peliharaan di tempat-tempat kemasukan lain tidak dibenarkan tanpa kebenaran oleh pegawai Kuarantin Haiwan di pintu masuk yang ditetapkan.


    Selain daripada caj Kastam, kemasukan haiwan peliharaan adalah tertakluk kepada caj pemeriksaan veterinar.


    Salinan asal permit import, sijil kesihatan daripada pihak berkuasa veterinar negara pengeksport dan kelulusan CITES (jika perlu) hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Pegawai Kuarantin Haiwan untuk pelepasan. Semua dokumen hendaklah dalam Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris.


    Sijil Kesihatan Veterinar hendaklah bertarikh dalam tempoh 7 hari eksport kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya dalam peraturan import.


    Haiwan peliharaan juga boleh dibawa masuk bersendirian tanpa pemilik atau individu. Seorang wakil tempatan (rakan, saudara atau ejen di Malaysia) boleh dilantik oleh pemilik untuk mengendalikan pemeriksaan di pintu masuk dan hal-hal berkaitan dengan kuarantin.


    Anjing dan kucing dari United Kingdom, Republik Ireland, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Jepun, Brunei dan Singapura tidak tertakluk kepada syarat kuarantin dengan syarat haiwan itu sihat dan semua dokumen adalah lengkap. Anjing dan kucing dari negara-negara lain adalah tertakluk kepada kuarantin sekurang-kurangnya 7 hari.


     Kemudahan kuarantin untuk anjing dan kucing disediakan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) di Sepang, Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Pulau Pinang dan Padang Besar (Sempadan Perlis-Thailand).


    Untuk haiwan peliharaan yang mesti dikuarantin, permit import hendaklah dikeluarkan hanya selepas pengesahan ruang kuarantin yang ditentukan oleh Stesen Kuarantin Haiwan berkenaan. Oleh itu apabila permit import dikeluarkan, ini bermakna kuarantin dikhaskan untuk ketibaan.


    Pegawai Kuarantin Haiwan di pintu masuk akan membantu dalam pengangkutan haiwan ke stesen kuarantin.


    Ya, pemilik dan sesiapa yang diberi kuasa olehnya dibenarkan untuk melawat haiwan setiap hari pada jam 8.00 pagi hingga 4.00 petang. Bagaimanapun, pengunjung dinasihatkan supaya mematuhi segala undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan stesyen kuarantin sepenuhnya.


    Caj kuarantin untuk anjing dan kucing adalah lebih kurang RM 79.00 dan RM 72.00 masing-masing setiap minggu. Caj ini tidak termasuk makanan dan kos-kos rawatan yang mungkin diperlukan.

    • Apakah syarat-syarat dan prosedur semasa pengimportan sebenar?
    • Adakah saya perlu memberitahu pegawai di pintu masuk mengenai kedatangan haiwan peliharaan saya?
    • Apakah yang akan berlaku jika sewaktu mengimport, saya tidak mematuhi peraturan-peraturan dan prosedur?

    1. Syarat-syarat atau prosedur semasa pengimportan sebenar

    • Apakah syarat-syarat dan prosedur semasa pengimportan sebenar?
    • Adakah saya perlu memberitahu pegawai di pintu masuk mengenaikedatangan haiwan peliharaan saya?
    • Apakah yang akan berlaku jika sewaktu mengimport, saya tidak mematuhi peraturan-peraturan dan prosedur?

    1. Pelepasan Pintu Masuk

      • Adakah terdapat sekatan di pintu masuk?
      • Bolehkah haiwan peliharaan saya transit di pintu masuk  lain di Malaysia?
      • Adakah terdapat caj yang dikenakan untuk pelepasan masuk?
      • Apakah dokumen yang diperlukan untuk pelepasan di pintu masuk?
      • Apakah tempoh sah sijil kesihatan?
      • Adakah apa-apa masalah sekiranya saya tidak melakukan perjalanan bersama dengan haiwan peliharaan saya?

    2. Kuarantin

      • Adakah haiwan peliharaan saya tertakluk kepada  kuarantin dan berapa lamakah tempoh kuarantin?
      • Pintu-pintu masuk yang manakah disediakan dengan kemudahan kuarantin?
      • Adakah saya perlu membuat tempahan kuarantin untuk haiwan peliharaan saya?
      • Bagaimana boleh saya membawa haiwan peliharaan saya ke stesen kuarantin?
      • Bolehkah saya melawat peliharaan saya semasa kuarantin?
      • Berapakah caj kuarantin?



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2. Berita Pautan



NIP Capable Of Testing For Influenza A(H1N1)
Mexico scrubs itself clean to combat flu outbreak
Flu spreads in U.S., world, winds down in Mexico
Mexico scrubs itself clean to combat flu outbreak
Worldwide H1N1 flu tally tops 2,000 - WHO
Mexico gets back to normal, China eases quarantine
WHO: Swine flu cases worldwide top 2,000
Three in isolation cleared of A (h1N1) virus
Singapore tightens flu control
Asean health ministers to discuss outbreak
Veterinary dept to test two pig vaccines
Better to be proactive in tackling influenza: Dr Chan
Swine Flu: Three suspected cases in isolation ward cleared
Mexico gets back to normal, flu advances in Europe
No Cases Of H1N1 In Asean Countries So Far
Sweden 23rd Country To Report Influenza A Case
M'sia Wants Asean To Institute Influenza Surveillance Mechanism
WHO puts flu tally at 1,893 cases in 23 countries
China lifts quarantine on Mexican flight passengers
Asia largely spared from swine flu outbreak
Three more cleared of H1N1
Labuan sets up flu ops room
Operations room set up to oversee flu
9,801 screened at all entry points
Mexico gets back to normal, flu advances in Europe
WHO to weigh flu vaccine switch next week
Second strain of flu may complicate picture - study
Dr Ismail: Still no case of H1N1
Batam Seaports Use Manual Thermometers..
Guatemala The Latest Infected With Influenza A (H1N1)
1,490 Influenza A(H1N1) Cases Reported Worldwide
Flu virus kills Texan; European cases rises
Swine Flu: No confirmed cases in Malaysia
Vet dept identifying other flu viruses
New flu kills 2nd person in US, spreads globally
Man treated at Sarawak GH not suffering from Influenza A
Flu-hit Mexico plans recovery, pork trade row erupts
1,490 Influenza A(H1N1) Cases Reported Worldwide
Man Treated At Sarawak GH Not Suffering H1N1
U.S. reports second swine flu death, in Texas
All four patients cleared of Influenza A (H1N1)
Worldwide flu cases escalate
Sarawak man back from US tested negative for flu
Number of victims H1N1 exceeds 1,000
S. Korean nun gets virus from colleague
Mexicans reel from global backlash of flu
Patient cleared of H1N1 virus
Be hygienic to ward off flu: Goh
State Immigration Dept monitoring all arrivals
A(H1N1) virus cases in 3 more countries
Dept identifying other flu virus
Swine flu deaths at 26 with 1,085 infections: WHO
Flu-hit Mexico plans recovery, pork trade row erupts
WHO may declare level 6 alert
New flu kills 2nd person in U.S., spreads globally
Flu spat cools budding Mexico-China relationship
Texan dies of swine flu; Mexico ready for business
Eight patients cleared of H1N1 virus
H1N1: Brunei quarantines 200 tourists
Swine flu records 1,883 cases with 31deaths
Four in isolation cleared of H1N1 virus
Another Three Countries Hit By Influenza A (H1N1)
Veterinary Department Identifying Other Flu Viruses
H1N1 Suspected Case In Sarawak, Result To Be Known..

Chinese, Mexicans return home as flu fears ease
WHO starts shipping antiflu drug to poor countries
More than 4,000 screened at KLIA
Penang Airport to have new thermal scanner
Pork in Malaysia safe to eat, says Veterinary Dept
Steps in place to deal with viral flu outbreak
20 countries have confirmed cases: WHO
Italy & Ireland confirm influenza A (H1N1) cases
No rationale to impose travel restrictions: WHO
Man rushed to A(H1N1) ward
Italy & Ireland Confirm Influenza A(H1N1) Cases
Tighter Screening For H1N1 Influenza At Dubai International
Mexico breathes easier but flu pandemic likely
WHO may not raise flu pandemic alert - U.N.'s Ban
China denies flu bigotry, Mexico announces flight
Portugal reports first confirmed case of swine flu
Spain raises to 54 number of swine flu cases
New swine flu cases in Europe, US, Latin America
WHO may raise flu alert to Level Six
Mexico says flu epidemic over the worst
Mexico optimistic about efforts to contain flu
Use drugs properly, says expert
New Zealander does not have influenza A
New US kit can test in hours instead of weeks
1.7 million pigs to be vaccinated against flu mutation
New reagent from CDC to speed up tests
Kiwi cleared of flu virus
Virologist: Use Tamiflu and vaccines wisely
Freeze on pork import
Swine flu virus spreads to three more countries
Ministry to keep an eye on prices of consumer goods
New permits to import pork no longer issued
Virologist: Use Tamiflu and vaccines wisely
Swine Flu: US expects hike in cases
What mask?
Echoes of 1918 — the Killer epidemic
A(H1NI) spreads to 3 more countries
Virologist: Use Tamiflu, vaccines wisely
Swine flu arrives in Asia
Pigs to be vaccinated soon against virus
Temporary freeze on permits for pork imports
Quicker tests for flu with new reagent
New Zealander cleared of flu
HIV Patients At Higher Risk From Flu, WHO Says
WHO Still Believes Flu Pandemic Is Imminent
Swine Flu Won't Hamper Mexican Participation At WOC
Influenza A(H1N1) Spreads To Three More Countries
New Permits To Import Pork No Longer Issued
New Zealander Tests Negative For Influenza A (H1N1)
Virologist: Use Tamiflu And Vaccines Wisely
Transit Passengers Screened Also, Says Immigration Dg
NZ Tourist Isolated For Influenza A(H1N1) Testing
Air Travellers From Hong Kong And Denmark Screened
Mexico reacts angrily to China flu measures
Flu pandemic still likely but Mexico cases easing
HIV patients at higher risk from flu, WHO says
ADB says prepared to assist Asian countries on flu
UK swine flu cases rise to 16
Mexico swine flu death toll jumps to 19
Asia reports no new swine flu cases
Developments on swine flu worldwide
Canada: 1st pigs found with new swine flu virus
Kiwi's specimen sent for influenza A tests
Mexico upbeat on battle vs Influenza A (H1N1)
New Zealander tested free of Influenza A (H1N1)
Air travellers from 3 countries to be screened
Cooperation against flu intensified: Dr Chan
Malaysians who contract virus in HK to be cared for
Local woman on plane with 'sick' Mexican quarantined
Penang is all prepared for the worst...
A (H1N1) FLU & YOU
Tests on Kiwi who fell ill
All out to ward off flu threat
Samples from NZ'er sent to medical research institute
Mexico Shuts Down But Sees Flu Outbreak Stabilising

Hong Kong hotel quarantine move stirs controversy
Mexico cuts flu death toll, businesses shut down
S.Korea confirms first case of H1N1 flu - Yonhap
Swine flu: HK quarantines hundreds at hotel
Tourists shun Mexico, embrace Caribbean amid flu
US airlines cutting service to Mexico
WHO will take vaccine gamble with swine flu
Mexico seeks better picture of flu outbreak
Mexican flu outbreak may be mild - US CDC
HIV patients at higher risk from flu, WHO says
Lower Mexico flu death toll heartens nervous world
Don't call it swine flu
Influenza A: Strict Immigration checks at land entry points
Influenza A: 'Jabs won't give protection'
Influenza A: Drop in new cases in Mexico
Influenza A: Virus spreads to two more countries
Signs of the times
South Korea 2nd nation in Asia to be hit by flu
Swine flu tag now called A (H1N1)
Happy to be screened for H1N1 fever
No need to panic, Malaysians told
Follow rules or lose licences, pig farms told
No truth to Penang quarantine talk
Call It Influenza A (H1N1), Not Swine Flu - Liow
Home Ministry Acts To Tackle 'Swine Influenza'
Swine flu is now Influenza A (H1N1) (Update)
Britain confirms flu in man who had not been in Mexico
HK confirms first case of new H1N1, seals off hotel
Mexico encouraged by fall in new flu cases
Iraq to cull wild boars in Baghdad Zoo to halt flu
WHO says no emergency committee meeting scheduled
U.S. farmers fear pigs may get "swine" flu from people
Mexico begins shutting down as flu fears spread
Mexico: 300 confirmed swine flu cases, 12 dead
More schools close, swine flu cases pass 100
Swine flu may be 'drastic' in some countries - IMF
Import of live pigs, pork, pork products banned
Sabah not banning imported banned pork products
S'wak bans imports of live pigs, pork products
RM13m for flu vaccinations
Swine flu: Japanese envoy wants to stay informed
Swine flu: Malaysians living in NY worried
Swine flu: Elderly and very young at greater risk
SWINE FLU: Public cooperation is essential
Malaysia on high alert
WHO raises alert to Phase Five
Travellers screened at entry point
Expert: Outbreak could be as serious as 1918 Spanish Flu
Preparing for the worst
SWINE FLU: Key Facts & Figures
W.H.O: Pandemic ‘likely’..
India Ups Tamiflu Stock..
Sarawak Bans Imports Of Live Pigs..
Flu Jabs Can Filter, Not Protect..
IMR Is Referral Lab For Swine Flu
S'pore Raises Mexican Swine Flu Alert
China Develops Sensitive Test Kit ..
EU Health Ministers To Hold Emergency..
M'sians In UAE Urged To Take Extra..
Swine flu source spawns wild theories
Egypt starts pig slaughter..
SE Asia health ministers to meet..
Mexico flu strikes wrestlers to politicians
Activate pandemic preparedness plans..
Mexico orders economic shutdown..
Bangkok fights flu scare..
World on edge of pandemic
Asean health ministers to meet...
China develops sensitive test kit..
NZ records 13 confirmed swine flu cases
WHO raises flu threat level..
Virus may mutate to pose
200,000 personnel to get flu vaccine..
Ministry confirms patient not infected..
M'sians in NY fret over swine flu
Before there was swine flu...
Overseas missions keeping watch..
Despite concerns over swine flu..
WHO raises swine flu alert level
Pandemic could hit local economy
Mexico City shuts itself in
World runs scared
Asean gears up to address swine flu
MAS activates operating procedures..
Klang Valley pork sales down 20%
Swine flu: Don't panic, but stay alert, says Liow
Farmers want immediate approval of pig vaccinations
New swine flu infections intensify travel fears
New Zealand Records 13 Confirmed Swine Flu Cases
WHO raises flu threat level, warns pandemic imminent
Patient Confirmed Not Infected With Swine Flu
Clean hands, stop flu
WHO confirms human cases of swine flu
Swine flu alert for aviation sector
Swine flu may impact plantation firms
Swine flu continues to weigh on Asian shares
Msia still free of epidemic
World battles to curb swine flu; Msia still free of epidemic
Asean Gears Up To Address Swine Flu
MAS Activates Operating Procedures For Pandemic
FLFAM Calls For H1N1 Vaccine Be Brought In From U.S.
Swine Flu: Singaporeans Should Be Prepared
First step towards usable vaccine

Name strikes fear among pork eaters
Pig farms in Perak get clean bill of health after inspections
WHO raises flu threat level, warns pandemic imminent
Name of deadly flu virus causes of consternation
Egypt orders cull of pig herds, U.N. says a mistake
WHO says no sign flu outbreak slowing
Mexican boy visiting Texas 1st US swine flu death
WHO says swine flu pandemic is imminent
MAS issues operating guidelines on handling outbreak
Malaysian missions to monitor situation
WHO says 114 cases of swine flu, eight deaths reported
Texas flu death first outside Mexico; new Eu cases
Swine flu could threaten millions with other diseases
Britain confirms three new swine flu cases
Egypt orders mass cull of pigs over swine flu scare
Time for 'utmost' precautions on swine flu - Obama
U.S. has first death from swine flu - govt official
Swine flu widens in Europe with first German cases
Joint exercise held to face possible flu pandemic
Ban on pig imports from affected nations
Swine flu strikes fear in Lukut residents
Nipah virus's brief but deadly reign of terror
New swine flu infections intensify travel fears
Obama seeks $1.5 bln for swine flu as cases jump
Mexico swine flu deaths as many as 159
Obama asks for $1.5 bln to help fight flu
WHO awaits U.S. confirmation on human flu..
Swine flu cases increase, hurting markets..
SWINE FLU: Steps taken to prevent outbreak
Swine flu: Asean gears up
Screening team stationed at Thai border
Swine Flu: MAS issues SOPs for outbreak
Swine Flu Watch and FAQ
Swine Flu: Overseas missions asked to monitor
Swine flu death in Mexico increases to 159
MCA squad to provide info on swine flu
Country free from swine flu: D-G
S’wak steps up surveillance at all entry points
M'sian Missions Overseas To Monitor Swine Flu..
Singapore Raises Swine Flu Alert
Swine flu confirmed in Israel and New Zealand
Thai Woman Suspected Of Contracting Swine Flu
Swine Flu: 428 screened at KLIA
Country Free From Swine Flu
No Swine Flu Cases In Malaysia Yet
Swine Flu Holds A Grip On Msians In New York
Sarawak Steps Up Surveillance At Entry Points
Thai New Committee To Prevent Swine Flu..
WHO not recommending swine flu travel restrictions
FACTBOX - How does weather affect the spread of flu?
FACTBOX - New flu strain kills more than 140
Across Asia, mood calm but wary..
World battles to curb swine flu; Msia still free of epidemic
Association agrees that H1N1 vaccine be used on pigs
Malaysia has H1N1 vaccine for swine flu
WHO ups flu alert level, world closer to pandemic
Swine flu scare prompts pork trade bans
Thais Can Travel To Flu-affected Countries
No Swine Flu Cases In Singapore
India Issues Travel Advisory For Visit To Flu-hit Nations
Swine Flu FAQ
World battles to curb deadly Mexico flu strain
Learning from SARS, China vows swift flu reporting
Flu kills 149 in Mexico, world closer to pandemic
U.S. swine flu case numbers rise, more expected
WHO raises pandemic flu alert level to phase 4
SKorean being tested for possible swine flu
Pig farms told to check health of livestock
Postpone trips to affected nations
Govt: Avoid going to flu-hit areas
Report symptoms immediately, pig farms told
DPM: Protocols in place to prevent spread
Take concrete steps to check swine flu
Swine flu less deadly but spreads more easily
Spain confirms 1st case in Europe
It's under control, says Mexican envoy
Swine flu: 'It is under control'
Order Out To Pig Farms Over Swine Flu Outbreak
Pork Imports Should Stop Immediately: FLFAM
Malaysia Has H1N1 Vaccine For Swine Flu
World flu epidemic fear rises, Mexicans take refuge
Spain first in Europe to report swine flu
After SARS and bird flu, Asia wary of new virus
Over 100 dead in Mexico flu outbreak, markets jittery
Avoid travel to swine-flu-hit countries: Liow
Monitoring Stepped Up At Entry Points
World flu epidemic risk grows..
World ready to withstand potential pandemic ..
Twenty swine flu cases confirmed in U.S...
World flu epidemic fear rises, ..
Freeze import of port, govt urged
Flu fears spread
Streets empty as Mexico waits for the worst
On guard against swine flu
Asia already on alert
Don't panic, says Liow as govt takes action
Asia 'better prepared' to tackle..
Immigration alert over swine flu outbreak..
Ministry activates ops room to monitor disease
Countries guard against swine flu
Health Ministry takes immediate action..
World on alert as Mexico flu epidemic..
Q+A - What is swine flu and how serious is it?
Global concerns over flu outbreak, >100 dead
World flu epidemic fear rises..
World ready to withstand potential pandemic
Asian stock markets retreat amid swine flu fears
Suspected swine flu cases in Mexico to 1,614
Swine flu fears close some schools in US
Countries race to contain swine flu outbreak
Official: 3 more NZ students tested for swine flu
Mexico City locks itself in amid swine flu fears
Health Ministry advises against travel..
World govts race to contain swine flu outbreak
We are prepared to deal with spread of swine flu
Passengers from US to be screened
Immigration Dept waiting for word from Ministry
New Zealand pupils likely to swine flu
Operations Room Activated To Monitor Swine Flu
Immigration Alert Over Swine Flu Outbreak..
UAE Awaits W.H.O Advice On Swine Flu
Health Ministry officers to screen for swine flu ..
World on alert as Mexico flu epidemic fear grows
Mexico City residents stay home in flu fear
Mexico gov't decrees special powers in flu crisis
Mexico on edge as reports of swine flu cases climb
Mexico fights swine flu with 'pandemic potential'
Asia on alert after swine flu outbreak
Malaysia on alert after deadly flu hits Mexico
Killer flu kills 60 in Mexico
Deadly new flu strain breaks out in Mexico, U.S.
WHO ready with antivirals to combat swine flu
Mexico swine flu deaths spur global epidemic fears
WHO ready with antivirals to combat swine flu
Seven people in U.S. hit by strange new swine flu
U.S. officials track new flu strain

3. Talian Bantuan

Pautan Talian

4. Program Pengawalan & Pencegahan

Read more: Influenza A

  • Hits: 43200

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